No one really likes to talk about their finances.  I think it’s because most of us don’t really understand the basics of finances.  Along with a basic understanding of your finances comes clarity and with that good decision making.

You should know how much you get paid from your job; it gets laid out clearly by your employer.  You probably know how much your big expenses are each month, too. Specifically,  your mortgage and your car payment.  However, your financial wellness includes so much more than what is coming in and what is going out. How do you bring clarity and organization to your finances?

Financial wellness, the overall state of your financial health includes mindset, emotions, and overall feeling of well-being, awareness, financial knowledge, and resources, as well as the amount of confidence in making financial decisions.

In this interview with Leanne Pruette, Host of the Ace Your Space Summit we discuss how to bring clarity and organization to your finances in order to create financial wellness.  By having a plan for your finances you can “Ace Your Space”!

Click the arrow below to watch our interview.

After watching you might want to get started by taking the Financial Freedom Wellness Quiz.

Michelle Boss

Michelle Boss

Michelle Boss is a Personal Finance Coach and Certified Financial Education Instructor. She is certified through the NFEC. As a Professional Money Coach, Michelle helps successful women get smart with money so they can grow their wealth and finally feel financially secure. With Michelle’s Group and One-to-one Coaching Sessions, she helps take the Fear out of Finances.